It's All an Illusion
I remind myself every day that this is not real. It is a horrible manifestation of someone’s wicked imagination. A devilish lie containing just enough truth to stick; repeated so often it has become gospel. I sometimes marvel at its genius. Able to outwit and defend against perceived threats. Effective in getting those who suffer under it to champion it. Those master marketers who rewrite history and sell maniacal dreams to the entitled believe they have won. But this lie won’t stand because the fruit that it bears is poison to all who feed on it. Barbarism disguised as patriotism. Hypocrisy codified into law. The society of violence it created slowly putting a gun to its own head. Awake and unplugged, the conscious have the remedy. If they practice in division, the antidote is solidarity. If they practice in distraction, the cure is focus. If they practice in deception, truth will shatter the lie. Listen for the inconsistencies and contradictions. Read. Resist. Remind yourself daily that this is not real.