Taking Stock

We got here because we failed to neutralize the enemy.  When he first showed himself to be the enemy, we should have destroyed him and all like him. Instead, we nurtured him and gave him chance after chance to change, to act human and to evolve to the level of understanding that we are all connected. Chance after chance to understand that there is no lack and no need for this insatiable greed and need for control. Many, many chances to understand karma and reciprocity. At this point we must see that our enemy cannot change. Dogs don’t stop being dogs no matter how domesticated they are. Their essential nature never changes.  Our enemy is who he is. Our kindness, mercy and generosity have been our greatest weakness. These are the traits that our enemy has exploited to his great advantage for millennia. Once we understand that no mercy must be shown to this enemy. Once we really get that, then we will change our response. We will move out of the way and let the enemy destroy himself, saving our energy to build our new world. We will defend ourselves because we now know for sure that we are the only ones who will save us.


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