
Des shared first and his truth killed the vibe and what was left of their marriage. Dr. Ray cleared her throat and spoke first, knowing there was nothing left to salvage. “Des, that took a lot of courage. Thank you for sharing.” He shifted in his seat displaying his discomfort. Dr. Ray turned to Kam, treading lightly, and invited her to speak, “Kam, how does that make you feel?" Historically, the peacemaker in their relationship, Kam was now ready for war. She held her head so that her eyes met his and with an even tone, fired the last shot. “You are petty. Judgmental. And Vindictive. You’re a cheater. And YOU are a liar. You are everything that you say you hate. You have no friends. And your own parents don’t even like you. I feel like a fool for being the only dummy in the world that gave a damn about you. And I don’t feel like wasting another second of my life with you.” Without a pause, Kam stood up and left, kicking his feet on her way out. Des sat in anger, staring at Kam’s backside shrinking in the distance. The love was all gone and now, so was the civility.


On My Square


Watch Me Do My Thang!